
This blog started as a way to share a novel I was writing with my middle school students. Now it's a way for me to sharing my writing and my reading with them.

Special note to my students: please be "cyber safe" whenever you post anything on the web. Don't include your full name, age, address, or school. You can post a message in the comments section as "anonymous" and then just leave your initials if you want me to know who you are. :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Book Review: WHEN YOU REACH ME by Rebecca Stead

Sixth grader Miranda knows she's supposed to be writing a letter, but she doesn't know what's supposed to go in the letter and where she's supposed to send it.

Miranda believes it all began on the day her best friend Sal was punched in the stomach. From that point on, Sal stops hanging out with Miranda, and she starts receiving mysterious messages telling her that she has to write a letter. If she doesn't, her friend is going to die. But the notes Miranda receives are too vague, and Miranda isn't even sure she should take them seriously. After all, there are other things to worry about--Who stole the spare key to Miranda's apartment? Why is Sal acting so strange? And why does the guy who beat up Sal keep talking about time travel?

Miranda's favorite book is A Wrinkle in Time, and I'd recommend this book to anyone who like L'Engle's book about space and time travel. This book is mostly a mystery with a bit of sci-fi and even a tad of history (It takes place in the late 70s and involves a very popular game show from that time). Not sure what genre to include this in, but I'll definitely recommend it to students next year.

My only complaint is that I listened to the audio version of this book, and the woman who did the voice-over work seemed to use the same husky, I've-been-a-smoker-for-too-long voice for every adult woman in the story. In fact, I think the woman's voice were lower than the men's! Fortunately, the story kept me intrigued enough to keep listening. In fact, I was listening in the car on my way to and from work, and I was disappointed each time I got to my destination and had to turn the CD off!

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